時間:2023/5/12 下午9:15:49
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- This song name test is even longer because now this website uses MongoDB. JianpuspaceisawesomeJianpuspacecanhelpyousearchsongswithoutknowingthenameofthesongAnditprovidesyouthenumberednotationWhichiseasytoread,歌手:This singer name test is even longer because now I use MongoDB. YoucanalsoeasilysharemusicsheetsinJianpuspace,相似度:126.49997
- Yankee Doodle,相似度:129.89993
- D大調卡農,歌手:曲:約翰·帕海貝爾,相似度:133.60002
- 離開地球表面,歌手:五月天,相似度:134.79991
- 中華民國國歌 (三民主義歌),歌手:詞:孫中山、曲:程懋筠,相似度:135.8
- 說好的幸福呢,歌手:周杰倫,相似度:136.89995
- Wheels on the Bus 2,相似度:138.99992
- 魚兒魚兒水中游,相似度:138.99998
- 隱形的翅膀,歌手:張韶涵,相似度:140.59993
- 勇氣,歌手:梁靜茹,相似度:140.69995
- 情非得已,歌手:庾澄慶,相似度:140.8
- 交大校歌 (併校前),歌手:曲:蕭友梅,相似度:141.5999
- Minuet in G Major,歌手:曲:Christian Petzold,相似度:141.89995
- I've been working on the railroad,相似度:142.20003
- 高山青,歌手:青山,相似度:142.79991
- 後來的我們,歌手:五月天,相似度:144.99992
- 大海呀故鄉,歌手:曲:王立平,相似度:145.79996
- Envisaging @ フリーBGM,歌手:曲:Cloria Sound Labs,相似度:145.99995
- 怎麼了,歌手:周興哲,相似度:146.09996
- Simple Gifts,歌手:詞曲:Joseph Brackett,相似度:146.1999
- 乾杯,歌手:五月天,相似度:146.59996
pitch 263ms search 67ms