歌曲 I've been working on the railroad

編輯 檢視歷史




1.5,_1_.5,=1_.2=|3-1-| L:I've been wor-king on the rail-road 4.4_12|3---| L:All the live-long day. 1.5,_1_.5,=1_.2=|3-13_3_| L:I've been wor-king on the rail-road 3.2_23|2---| L:Just to pass the time a-way. 2.2_#1_.2=3_.2=|1-5,-| L:Can't you hear the whis-tle blow-ing, 44_.4=1_.1=2_.2=|3---| L:Rise up so ear-ly in the morn; 6,.7,_1_.7,=1_.6,=|5,-1-| L:Can't you hear the cap-tain shou-ting, 3.4_32|1---| L:"""Di-" nah, blow your "horn!""" 5,_5,_5,_5,_1-| L:Di-nah, won't you blow, 6,_6,_6,_6,_2-| L:Di-nah, won't you blow, 7,_7,_7,_7,_6,7,|123-| L:Di-nah, won't you blow your horn?__ 5,_5,_5,_5,_1-| L:Di-nah, won't you blow, 6,_6,_6,_6,_2-| L:Di-nah, won't you blow, 7,_7,_7,_7,_6,7,|1---| L:Di-nah, won't you blow your horn? 3_3_3_3_1_1_1|5,-1-| L:Some-one's in the kit-chen with Di-nah 3_3_3_3_1_1_1|27,6,5,| L:Some-one's in the kit-chen I know___ 3_3_3_3_1_1_1|4-6-| L:Some-one's in the kit-chen with Di-nah 5_5_5_5_42|1---| L:Strum-min' on the old ban-jo! 3-1-|5,51-| L:Fee, fie, fiddly-i-o 3311|27,6,5,| L:Fee, fie, fiddly-i-o-o-o-o 3-1-|446-| L:Fee, fie, fiddly-i-o 5_5_5_5_42|1---| L:Strum-min' on the old banjo.


🌎語言:繁體中文 English