歌曲 Simple Gifts

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:詞曲:Joseph Brackett



5,_5,_|11_2_3_1_3_4_|55_4_32_1_| L:'Tis the gift to be sim-ple, ’tis the gift to be free 2221|2_3_2_7,_5,5,| L:'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, 1_7,_1_2_3_2_3_4_|55_4_32_1_| L:And when we find our-selves_ in the place just_ right, 2233_2_|11_1_1-| L:'Twill be in the val-ley of love and de-light. 5-3.2_|3_4_3_2_1.2_| L:When true sim-pli-ci-ty is gained, 33_4_54_3_|22_3_25,| L:To bow and to bend we_ shan't be a-shamed. 1-1.2_|33_4_54_3_| L:To turn, turn, will be our de-light, 2233_2_|1110| L:Till by turn-ing, turn-ing we come out right.


🌎語言:繁體中文 English