時間:2022/12/25 下午10:48:54
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- 小茶壺 - 源自Alouette,相似度:69.69996
- 友誼萬歲,相似度:84.400116
- 不為誰而作的歌,歌手:林俊傑,相似度:94.599976
- 交大校歌 (併校前),歌手:曲:蕭友梅,相似度:96.99997
- This song name test is even longer because now this website uses MongoDB. JianpuspaceisawesomeJianpuspacecanhelpyousearchsongswithoutknowingthenameofthesongAnditprovidesyouthenumberednotationWhichiseasytoread,歌手:This singer name test is even longer because now I use MongoDB. YoucanalsoeasilysharemusicsheetsinJianpuspace,相似度:101.29996
- 愛江山更愛美人,歌手:李麗芬,相似度:103.599915
- 說好的幸福呢,歌手:周杰倫,相似度:106.399994
- Yankee Doodle,相似度:106.89991
- 暖暖,歌手:梁靜茹,相似度:110.599945
- Simple Gifts,歌手:詞曲:Joseph Brackett,相似度:113.69998
- You Are My Sunshine,歌手:Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell,相似度:115.00004
- 無條件為你,歌手:梁靜茹,相似度:116.199875
- 別找我麻煩,歌手:蔡健雅,相似度:116.3999
- 落葉歸根,歌手:王力宏,相似度:117.69995
- 土耳其進行曲,歌手:曲:莫札特,相似度:118.39991
- 當我們同在一起,歌手:Marx Augustin,相似度:118.39996
- Kiss The Rain,歌手:曲:이루마,相似度:118.79997
- 我可以,歌手:蔡旻佑,相似度:119.99994
- 恩友歌,歌手:曲:Charles C. Converse,相似度:121.79999
- 火花,相似度:122.300026
pitch 257ms search 48ms