歌曲 Let It Go

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:Idina Menzel



bpm136.8 /key(Ab) 2_|3333_3_|3_2_1_1_-1_2_| L:The snow glows white on the moun-tain to-night 2_2.-_1_7,_6,_|--00_6,_| L:Not a foot-print to be seen 3_3_3_3_-5_5_|-_3.01_2_| L:A king-dom of i-so-la-tion 2_3.0_2_1_2_|--00| L:And it looks like I'm the queen 03_3_-_56_|-_53_-_55_|-_54_-_34_|3---| L:The wind is how-ling like this swir-ling storm in-side_ 02_3_2_12_|-2_3_21|-6,--|--00| L:Coul-dn't keep it in, hea-ven knows I've tried 02_2_-_55_|-_22_-_66_| L:Don't let them in, don't let them see 06_5_6_65_|6_71'_-_77_| L:Be the good girl you al-ways have to be 02_2_-_55_|02_2_-_66_|----| L:Con-ceal, don't feel, don't let them know --05_6_|-_7.1'-| L:Well, now they know --0_6_7_1'_|--0_5_5_2'_| L:Let it go, let it go --01'_6_|6_6_66_71'_| L:Can't_ hold it back a-ny-more --0_6_7_1'_|--0_5_3'_3'_| L:Let it go, let it go_ 2'-0_1'_2'_3'_|-_3'4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|2'_1'.00| L:Turn a-way and slam_ the_ door_ 5'.3'.2'|-01'1'|5'.3'.1'| L:I don't care what they're going to say --01'_1'_|7.5.5|---0_1_| L:Let the storm rage on 44_3_4_3_4_4_|3_1.00| L:The cold ne-ver bo-thered me a-ny-way 0000|0000| 0_3_3_3_3_33_|-_1.-1|55_4_-_32_|--02_1_| L:It's fun-ny how some dis-tance makes eve-ry-thing seem small 33_3_-_56_|-5-5|1'1'_7_-_66_|----| L:And the fears that once con-trolled me can't get to me at all 02_2_-_55_|-_22_-_56_| L:It's time to see what I can do 05_6_-_56_|-_71'_-_2'5_| L:To test the li-mits and break through -2_2_-_55_|-2_5_-_2_6| L:No right, no wrong, no rules for me --0_71'_|----| L:I'm free --0_6_7_1'_|-- -_5_5_2'_| L:Let it go, let it go --0_1'_6_6_|-_6_6_6_-_71'_| L:I am one with the wind and sky__ -_2'_1'0_6_7_1'_|-- -_5_3'_3'_| L:Let it go, let it go_ -_2'.01'_3'_|-_3'4'_-_3'_2'_1'_| L:You'll ne-ver see_ me_ cry_ 2'_1'.-0|5'.3'_-2'|---1'|5'.3'_-1'| L:Here I stand and here I stay --01'_1'_|7.5_-5|---0| L:Let the storm rage on 0000|0000|0000|0000| 04_3_-_45_|-_6b7_-_1'b3'_|-_2'1'_-_b7_1'_1'_|----| L:My pow-er flur-ries through the air in-to the_ ground 04_3_-_45_|-_6b7_-_1'b3'_|-_2'1'_-_b7b3'_|-_2'_1'_2'_1'-| L:My soul is spi-ra-ling in fro-zen frac-tals all a--round_ 05_#4_-_56_|-_71'_-_2'4'_|-_3'2'_-_1'_2'_2'_|---0| L:And one thought crys-tal-li-zes like an i-cy_ blast 03'_3'_-_3'3'_|-1'_1'_-0_1'_|2'1'_2'_-_3'4'_|----| L:I'm ne-ver go-ing back, the past is in the past --0_4'_4'_4'_|3'-0_5_5_2'_| L:Let it go,_ let it go --0_1'_6_6_|-_6_6_6_-_71'_| L:When I'll rise like the break of dawn__ -_2'_1'0_6_7_1'_|--0_5_3'_3'_| L:Let it go, let it go_ -2'01'_3'_|-_3'4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|2'_1'.-0| L:That per-fect girl_ is_ gone_ 5'.3'_-2'|--1'1'|5'.3'_-4'_3'_|-_2'_1'--| L:Here I stand in the light of day___ --01'_1'_|7.1'_-5'|----| L:Let the storm rage on ---0_3_|44_3_4_3_4_4_|3_1.00| L:The cold ne-ver bo-thered me a-ny-way


🌎語言:繁體中文 English