歌曲 Baby

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:Justin Bieber feat. Ludacris



/key(Eb4) bpm130 1--1_1_| L:"(前奏)"** 01_2_3_2_1_7,_|6,--6,_6,_| L:Oh_ whoa____ ** 01_2_3_2_1_2_|6,--5,_4,_| L:Oh_ whoa____ ** 01_2_3_2_1_2_|2_1=7,=-=6,=7,=6,=5,_6,_ -| L:Oh_ whoa___________ 000_1_5_3_|2_.3=-0_1_5_3_|2-0_1_5_3_| L:You know you love me, I know you care 2_.3=-0_1_5_3_|2_1.0_5_5_3_| L:Just shout when-e-ver and I'll be there_ 2_1.0_5_5_3_|2-0_1_1_2_| L:You want my love,_ you want my heart 2_3_2_3_2_3_2_3_|2-0_1_5_3_| L:And we will ne-ver, e-ver, e-ver be a-part 2_.3= -05_3_|2_1.00_5_| L:Are we an i-tem? Girl quit play-in' 230_1_1_1_|210_1_1_2_| L:"""We're" just "friends""," what are you say-in'? 4_4_3_3_3_1_1_2_|1-0_1_2| L:Said, """There's" a-no-"ther,"""_ and looked right in my eyes 22_2_2_2_2_3_| L:My first love broke my heart for the first time -_21_1_2_1| L:And I was like 3232_3_|-_2_5-3| L:Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3232_3_|-_2_6-3| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, no 3232_3_|-_2_5-0| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3_2_33_3_2_3_|2.2_10| L:Thought you'd al-ways be_ mine,_ mine_ 3232_3_|-_2_5-3| L:Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3232_3_|-_2_6-3| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, no 3232_3_|-_2_5-0| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3_2_33_3_2_3_|2.2_1_2_3_2_| L:Thought you'd al-ways be_ mine,_ mine_ 3.1_1_1_5_3_|2_.2=10_1_1_2_| L:Oh_ for you, I woul-d've done what-e-ver_ 4_3_2_4_3_3_2_1_|2_.2=10_1=1=1_2_| L:And I just can't_ be-lieve_ we ain't to-ge-ther_ 3_3_301_6,_|3_.2=30_1_1_2_| L:And I wan-na play it cool, but I'm los-in' you 32_2_-_1_1_2_|32_2_-_1_1_2_| L:I'll buy you a-ny-thing, I'll buy you a-ny ring 32_1_-1_2_|3301_2_| L:And I'm in pie-ces,_ ba-by, fix me 3_3_2_1_3_3_2_1_|21-0_6,_| L:And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream 1_2_3 -_1.|5,4,_3,_-_3_3_3_| L:I'm go-ing down, down, down, down_ 32_3_-_3_3_3_|-_2_2_1_1_1_1_2_| L:And I just can't be-lieve my first love won't be a-round L:And I'm like 3232_3_|-_2_5-3| L:Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3232_3_|-_2_6-3| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, no 3232_3_|-_2_5-0| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3_2_33_3_2_3_|2.2_10| L:Thought you'd al-ways be_ mine,_ mine_ 3232_3_|-_2_5-3| L:Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3232_3_|-_2_6-3| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, no 3232_3_|-_2_5-0| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3_2_33_3_2_3_|2.2_12_.2,=| L:Thought you'd al-ways be_ mine,_ mine_ L:"(Rap)Lu-"da! 0_2,_1,_7,,_2,4,|-_3,_1,_4,,_6,,4,,| L:When I was thir-teen, I had my first love 0=4,=3,=3,=3,=3,=3,=3,=#2,_#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=| L:There was no-bo-dy that com-pared to my ba-by #2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,=#2,| L:And no-bo-dy came be-tween us or could e-ver come a-bove 0_6,_3,_4,,_1,_4,,_6,_.4,,=|-_2,_3,_4,,_2,4,,| L:She had me go-ing cra-zy, oh I was star-struck 0_6,_3,_1,_2,6,_.1,=|-_5,_6,_1,_4,3,| L:She woke me up dai-ly, don't need no Star-bucks 0_6,_3,_3,,_2,3,,|0=2,=4,=3,=4,_3,=3,=4,=3,=3,=3,=4,_3,_| L:She made my heart pound and skip a beat when I see her in the street 0_3,_6,_1,=1,=4,6,,| L:And at school on the play-ground 0_3,=3,=5,=5,=4,=3,=4,=4,=4,=3,=5,_3,_| L:But I real-ly wan-na see her on the week-end 0_5,_6,_4,_3,_1,_4,_.6,,=|-_1,_6,_1,_5,_1,_4,_.6,,=| L:She knows she got me da-zing 'cause she was so a-ma-zing 0_2,_3,_1,_3,_1,_3,_.5,,=|-_3,_4,_3,_4,_3,_4,_3,_| L:And now my heart is brea-king, but I just keep on say-"ing(Rap ends)" 3232_3_|-_2_5-3| L:Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3232_3_|-_2_6-3| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, no 3232_3_|-_2_5-0| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3_2_33_3_2_3_|2.2_10| L:Thought you'd al-ways be_ mine,_ mine_ 3232_3_|-_2_5-3| L:Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3232_3_|-_2_6-3| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, no 3232_3_|-_2_5-0| L:Like, ba-by, ba-by, ba-by, oh 3_2_33_3_2_3_|2.2_7,1_1_| L:Thought you'd al-ways be_ mine,_ mine L:I'm_ gone 3.2_ -1| L:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 35,_7,_-_11_| L:Now I'm all gone 3.2_ -1| L:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 37,_7,_-_11_| L:Now I'm all gone 3.2_ -1| L:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 37,_7,_-_11_| L:Now I'm all gone_ 20_3_20_3_| L:Gone,_ gone_ 2.7,_ -.1_| L:I'm gone


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