歌曲 Bad Day

編輯 檢視歷史




/key(Eb4) bpm140 5-5.5_|-5 -_5.|5-5.5_|-3 -_4.| L:"(前奏)"** ** *** ** * 5-5,_6,_1_1_|-_6,_6,_6,_-_7,_1_1_|-_7,.00|0000| L:Where is the mo-ment we nee-ded the most_ 00_5,_5,_6,_1_1_|6,6,_6,_6,_7,_1_1_|-_7,.00|0000| L:You kick up the leaves_ and the ma-gic is lost_ 00_7,_1_7,_1_7,_|-_5,3,_-7,_7,_| L:They tell me your blue skies fade to grey_ 6,.5,_6,_5,_6,_5,_|-_3,1,_-3,_3,_| L:They tell me your pas-sion's gone a-way_ 2,.2,_2,_3,4,_|-5,_6,_-1_2_|--00|0000| L:And I don't need no car-ryin' on 00_5,_5,_6,_1_1_|-6,_6,_6,_7,_1_1_|-_7,.00|0000| L:You stand in the line just to hit a new low_ 00_3,_5,_6,_1_1_|-6,_6,_6,_7,_1_1_|-_7,.00|0000| L:You're fa-king a smile with the cof-fee you go_ 00_7,_1_1_1_7,_|-_5,3,_-_7,7,_| L:You tell me your life's been way off line_ 6,.5,_6,_5,_6,_5,_|-_1,1,_-3,_3,_| L:You're fal-ling to pie-ces e-very time_ 2,.2,_2,_3,4,_|-_5,6,_-1_2_|----| L:And I don't need no car-ryin' on 0_5,_5,_5,_3_5_2| L:Be-cause you had a bad day 1.5,_3_5_2| L:You're ta-king one down 1.1_3_5_2|16,_6,_3_4_3_3_| L:You sing a sad song just to turn it a-round_ 2.5,_3_5_2| L:You say you don't know 1.5,_3_5_2| L:You tell me don't lie 1.5,_3_5_2_1_|-1_1_3_4_3_3_| L:You work at a smile and you go for a ride_ 2.5,_3_5_2| L:You had a bad day 1.5,_3_5_2| L:The ca-mera don't lie 1.5,_3_5_2|16,_5,_3_5_2| L:You're co-ming back down and you real-ly don't mind 1.5,_3_5_2|1_6,_5,00| L:You had a bad day__ 00_3_3_5,_6,|1-00| L:You had a bad day 001_2_3_4_|0000|1'---| L:"(間奏)"*** * 001_2_3_4_|0000|6--0_5_|4'_5_3'_5_2'_1'_7_1'_| L:**** ** ******** 00_6,_1_7,_1_7,_|-_7,3_-7,_7,_| L:Well you need a blue sky ho-li-day_ 6,.5,_6,_5,_6,_5,_|-_5,1_-3,_4,_| L:The point is they laugh at what you say -0_2,_2,_3,4,_|-_5,6,_-1_3_|---2| L:And I don't need no car-ryin' on_ -0_5,_3_5_2| L:You had a bad day 1.5,_3_5_2| L:You're ta-king one down 1.5,_3_5_2|16,_6,_3_4_3_3_| L:You sing a sad song just to turn it a-round_ 2.5,_3_5_2| L:You say you don't know 1.5,_3_5_2| L:You tell me don't lie 1.5,_3_5_2_1_|-1_1_3_4_3_3_| L:You work at a smile and you go for a ride_ 2.5,_3_5_2| L:You had a bad day 1.5,_3_5_2| L:The ca-mera don't lie 1.5,_3_5_2|16,_5,_3_5_2| L:You're co-ming back down and you real-ly don't mind 1.5,_3_5_2|1_6,_5,00|0000| L:You had a bad day__ 5-- 5_6_|-_35_-0| L:Ooh, a ho-li-day 11_1_16,_1_|-_1_6,_1_-_16,_| L:(+3key)Some-times the sys-tem goes on the blink 11_6,_1_23_|-000_7,_| L:And the whole thing_ turns out wrong 11_6,_1_6,_-_1_|-_1_6,_1_-_1_1_6,_| L:You might not_ make it back and you know 115_31_| L:That you could be well oh that strong -0_1_1_27,_| L:And I'm not wrong ----|-_5_3--|-_2_7,=6,=5,_00|0000| L:"(-3key)Yeah,"_ yeah___ 00_5,_5,_6,_1_1_|-_6,_6,_6,_6,_7,_1_1_|-_7,.00| L:So where is the pas-sion when you need it the most_ 01.5,_4,_3,_| L:Oh you and I 00_5,_5,_6,_1_1_|6,_6,_6,_6,_-_7,_1_1_|-_7,.00| L:You kick up the leaves_ and the ma-gic is lost_ 05,_5,_3_5_2| L:'Cause you had a bad day 1.5,_3_5_2| L:You're ta-king one down 1.5,_3_5_2|16,_6,_3_4_3_3_| L:You sing a sad song just to turn it a-round_ 2.5,_3_5_2| L:You say you don't know 1.5,_3_5_2| L:You tell me don't lie 1.5,_3_5_2_1_|-1_1_3_4_3_3_| L:You work at a smile and you go for a ride_ 2.5,_3_5_2| L:You had a bad day 3.5,_3_2_1_b3_| L:You've seen what you like -.5,_n3_2_1_3_|-04_.3_.1_| L:And how does it feel one more time -.5,_3_5,_6,|1_6,_5,00| L:You had a bad day__ 00_2_3_5,_6,|1-00| L:You had a bad day 005-|--43_3_| L:Ah, yeah,_ yeah_ -_23_-_4_3|2_1.00|0000|0000| L:Had a bad_ day 00_3_-_4_3|2_1.00|0000|0000| L:Had a bad_ day 00_3_-_4_3|2_1.00| L:Had a bad_ day


🌎語言:繁體中文 English