歌曲 Love Story

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:Taylor Swift



/key(D4) bpm119 3,_5,_2_1_2_1_5,_1_|3,_5,_2_1_2_1_5,_1_| L:"(前奏)"******* "(前奏)"******* 2,_5,_2_1_2_1_5,_1_|2,_5,_2_1_2_1_5,_1_| L:"(前奏)"******* "(前奏)"******* 3,_6,_2_1_2_1_6,_1_|3,_6,_2_1_2_1_6,_1_| L:"(前奏)"******* "(前奏)"******* 4,_5,_2_1_2_1_5,_1_|4,_5,_2_1_2_1_5,_1_| L:"(前奏)"******* "(前奏)"******* 7,_1_11.1_|7,_1211_| L:We were both young when I first saw you 7,_.1_.1.1_1_|7,_121_7,_1_| L:I close my eyes and the flash-back starts 6,-00| L:I'm stan-ding there 01_1_1_7,_7,_5,_|5,_5,_6,-0| L:On a bal-co-ny in sum-mer air 0000|7,_.1_.1_-1_1_|7,_7,_1_21.| L:See the lights, see the par-ty, the ball gowns 7,_111_1|7,_121_7,_1_| L:See you make your way through the crowd 6,-00| L:And say, """He-" "llo""" 001_7,_5,_5,_|-6,-0| L:Lit-tle did I know 0000_1_|7,_1_1_1_11_1_|7,_121_1_1_| L:That you were Ro-me-o, you were throw-ing peb-bles 1_1_21_1_1_1_|5_4_3_32_3_2_| L:And my dad-dy said, """Stay" a-way from Ju-li--"et""" 3_2_3_2_31| L:And I was cry-ing on the stair-case 1_2_2_213_|4_3.--|03_31.| L:Beg-ging you, """Please" don't "go,"""__ and I said 1_1_431|1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:Ro-me-o, take me some-where we can be a-lone 1232|1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:I'll be wai-ting, all there's left to do is run 12_1_32|12_1_32| L:You'll be the prince and I'll be the prin-cess 1_1_23_2_3|3_2_331|0000| L:It's a love sto--ry, ba-by, just say, """Yes""" 0000_1_|7,_11.1_1_|7,_7,_1_21.| L:So I sneak out to the gar-den to see you 7,_11.1_1_|7,_7,_1_21_7,_7,_| L:We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew 6,-00| L:So close your eyes 0_1_1_1_17,_5,_|5,_5,_6, -.7,_|-.3_0_3_2_1_| L:Es-cape this town for a lit-tle while, while, oh oh_ 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|7,_121_1_1_| L:'Cause you were Ro-me-o, I was a scar-let let-ter 1_1_21_1_1_1_|5_4_3_32_3_3_| L:And my dad-dy said, """Stay" a-way from Ju-li--"et""" 3_3_3_3_3_2_2_1_| L:But you were ev-ery-thing to me_ 2_2_2_213_|4_3.--|03_31=2=-| L:I was beg-ging you, """Please" don't "go,"""__ and I said_ _ 1_1_431|1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:Ro-me-o, take me some-where we can be a-lone 1232|1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:I'll be wai-ting, all there's left to do is run 12_1_32|12_1_32| L:You'll be the prince and I'll be the prin-cess 1_1_23_2_3|3_2_331| L:It's a love sto--ry, ba-by, just say, """Yes""" 1_1_431_1_|1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:Ro-me-o, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel 0_1_2_1_3_3_2|0_1_2_1_52| L:This love is dif-fi-cult, but it's_ real_ 12_1_32|1_2_2_1_32| L:Don't be a-fraid, we'll make it out of this mess 1_1_23_2_3_2_|3_2_331|-000| L:It's a love sto--ry,_ ba-by, just say, "Yes" 000_32_|-_3.00| L:Oh, oh_ 0_1_2_1_7,_1_2_1_|4_1_3_1_2_1_1_1_| L:"(間奏)"****** ******** 7,_1_7,_6,_5,_4,_3,_4,_|2_1_1_7,_7,_6,_6,_5,_| L:******** ******** *** 5,_4,_4,_5,_3_2_1_7,_|7,.1.-| L:But I got tired of wai-ting 006,_1_1_1_|2_3_3_3_3_4_3_2_| L:Won-der-ing if you were e-ver com-ing a-round -0_1_3_1_1_7,_|-.1_2.1_| L:My faith in you was fa--ding --01_1_|2_3_3_3_5_.2_.2_|2.1_2_1.| L:When I met you on the out-skirts of town, and I said 1_1_43_2_1|1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:Ro-me-o, save_ me, I've been fee-ling so a-lone 1232|1_2_2_1_3_1_2_2_| L:I keep wai-ting for you, but you ne-ver come 12_1_32_1_|12_1_32_1_| L:Is this in my head? I don't know what to think 12_1_32|12_1_3_3_2| L:He_ knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring 1_1_43_2_2_1_| L:And said, """(+2key)Mar-"ry me, Ju-li-et 1_2_2_1_3_1_2| L:You'll ne-ver have to be a-lone 1232|53_2_2_1_1_1_| L:I love you and that's all I real-ly know 12_1_32|12_2_32| L:I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress 1_1_23_2_3|3_2_33_2.|0_1.--| L:It's a love sto--ry, ba-by, just say,_ "'Yes'""" 0.5,12_|-_3.-0| L:Oh, oh, oh_ 0.5,32_|-6,--| L:Oh, oh, oh, oh 0000_1_|7,_1_11.7,_|7,_12_--|1--0| L:'Cause we were both young when I first saw you


🌎語言:繁體中文 English