歌曲 Hello

編輯 檢視歷史




bpm79 /key(Ab3) 3.3_--|2.1_-.2=3=| L:"(前奏)"* ** 0000=2_2=| L:Hel-lo, it's me -001_3=3=| -_3=3=-_3=3=-_2=2=-_1=2=|-_3=2=-_6,=1=-1=3_3=| L:I was won-der-ing if af-ter all these years you'd like to meet -_1.02=2=2=2=| L:To go o-ver e-ve-ry-thing -00_3_3_3=3=|-_3=3=-_3=3=-_1_0=1=1=2=|2_21_-_6,0=2=| L:They say that time's sup-posed to heal ya, but I ain't done much heal-ing 3-02_2=2=|-_3.01_3=3=| L:Hel-lo, can you hear me? -_3=3=-_3=3=-_2=2=-_1=2=|-_3=2=-_6,=1=-_.1=1=3_3=| L:I'm in Ca-li-for-nia dream-ing a-bout who we used to be -_1.00_2_|2-01_3=3=| L:When we were youn-ger and free -_3=3=-_3=3=-_2=2=-_1=2=|-_3=2=-_6,_1_1_1_3_| L:I've for-got-ten how it felt be-fore the world fell at our feet 31-0_5=5=|53_4=3=2=1_.1_3_| L:There's such a di-fference be-twe-en_ us___ 32_2_-1|---0| L:And a mi-lli-on miles 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-0_6_| L:Hel-lo from the o-ther side_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-_.1'=5'_1'_| L:I must-'ve called a thou-sand times_ -_3'1'_-_1'_-=1'=1'=1'=|1'_7_6_5_-=5=5_5'_1'_| L:To tell you I'm sor-ry for e-very-thing that I've done -_3'1'_-_5.|1'_7_6_5_-_6.| L:But when I call, you ne-ver seem to be home_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-0_6_| L:Hel-lo from the o-ther side_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-_.1'=5'_1'_| L:At least I can say that I've tried_ -_3'1'_-_1'_-_.1'=|1'_7_6_5_-=5=5_5'_1'_| L:To tell you I'm sor-ry for brea-king your heart 1'_3'1'_-_51'=1'=|1'_7_6_5_-_5_6_3=2=|1-00| L:But it don't mat-ter, it clear-ly does-n't tear you a-part a-ny-more__ 0000_.2=|3-0.2=2=|-_2.01_3_| L:Hel-lo, how are you? 3_3=3=-_3=3=-_2=2=-_1=2=|-_3=2=-_6,_1_.6,=-_2=3=| L:It's so ty-pi-cal of me to talk a-bout my-self, I'm sor-ry -003_2=2=|-001=3_3=| L:I hope that you're well -=3_3=-=3_3=-=2=2_2_1=2=|-_3=2=-_6,_1_6,_1_3_| L:Did you e-ver make it out of that town where no-thing e-ver hap-pened? 31-1_5_|53_4=3=2_1_0_3_| L:It's no se-cret that the both of us___ 32_2_-1_1_|---0_6_| L:Are run-ning out of time 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-0_6_| L:So hel-lo from the o-ther side_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-_.1'=5'_1'_| L:I must-'ve called a thou-sand times_ -_3'1'_-_1'_-=1'=1'=1'=|1'_7_6_5_-=5=5_5'_1'_| L:To tell you I'm sor-ry for e-very-thing that I've done -_3'1'_-_5.|1'_7_6_5_-_6.| L:But when I call, you ne-ver seem to be home_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-0_6_| L:Hel-lo from the o-ther side_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-_.1'=5'_1'_| L:At least I can say that I've tried_ -_3'1'_-_1'_-_.1'=|1'_7_6_5_-=5=5_5'_1'_| L:To tell you I'm sor-ry for brea-king your heart 1'_3'1'_-_51'=1'=|1'_7_6_5_-_6_6_6=1'=| L:But it don't mat-ter, it clear-ly does-n't tear you a-part a-ny-more__ -_3'_000_5'_|-4'=3'_4'=3'0=1'=1'=1'=| L:Ooh____ a-ny-more_ -_3'_000_5'_|-6'=5'_1''=-0=1'=1'=1'=| L:Ooh___ a-ny-more_ -_3'_000_5'_|-4'=3'_4'=3'0=2'=2'=2'=| L:Ooh____ a-ny-more___ 1'=6=1'_--0=2'=2'=2'=|-_3'.-0| L:A-ny-more_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-0_6_| L:Hel-lo from the o-ther side_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-_.1'=5'_1'_| L:I must-'ve called a thou-sand times_ -_3'1'_-_1'_-=1'=1'=1'=|1'_7_6_5_-=5=5_5'_1'_| L:To tell you I'm sor-ry for e-very-thing that I've done -_3'1'_-_5.|1'_7_6_5_-_6.| L:But when I call, you ne-ver seem to be home_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-0_6_| L:Hel-lo from the o-ther side_ 6_6_1'_1'_2'_2'_2'|-.1'_-_.1'=5'_1'_| L:At least I can say that I've tried_ -_3'1'_-_1'_-_.1'=|1'_7_6_5_-=5=5_5'_1'_| L:To tell you I'm sor-ry for brea-king your heart 1'_3'1'_-_51'=1'=|1'_7_6_5_-_5_6_3=2=|1-00| L:But it don't mat-ter, it clear-ly does-n't tear you a-part a-ny-more__


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