歌曲 Perfect

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:Ed Sheeran



/key(Ab3) bpm95 5,_6,_1=1=|-.0.0_3_2_3=2=1_3_|-.0.0.2_3_3_| L:I found a love, for____ me 3=2=1_1_1.0.1_2_3_| L:Dar-ling, just di--ve right in (and)fol-low my lead 2.0.00=1=3_2_1=3=|-.0.0.53_|1_11.00=1=1_2_3_| L:Well, I found a girl, beau-ti-ful and sweet 44_3_2_2_2_11_2_3_| L:Oh, I ne-ver knew you were_ the some-one wai-ting for me___ 2.-=1=2=3=1_5_5_5_6_2_2_|32_32_3.3_2_1_| L:'Cause we were just kids when we fell_ in_ love 32_3.3.3_2_1_| L:Not know-ing what_ it was 4.3_.2=1_1.5,.|3.-_4_3_2 -=1=3_2_1_| L:I will not give you__ up this time___| L:But dar-ling, just kiss me slow 32_32_3.3_2_1_| L:Your heart is all_ I_ own 4.3_.2=1_1.5,_2| L:And in your eyes, you're__ hol-ding mine -.0.3=5=-3=2=3=2=1_|1.0.1'7_67_| L:Ba--by,____ I'm dan-cing in the dark 3.00=1=54_32_| L:With you be-tween my arms 1.0.1'7_61_| L:Bare-foot on the grass__ 3_.2=1_0.5_5_5_5_.6_.| L:Lis-ten-ing to our favou-rite song 3_2_1_0_3_5_1'7_67_| L:When you said you looked a mess 3.1_2_3_54_34_| L:I whis-pered un-der-neath my breath 32_2.4.31=2=| L:But you heard it| L:Dar-ling, you look per-fect to-night| 0.0.00=1=3_5_1_|33_0.0.1_.2=3=3=|-_1_1_1_10.1_2_3_| L:Well, I found a wo-man, stron-ger than a-ny-one I know 44_3_2_2_2_11_2_3_|| L:She shares my dreams, I hope_ that some-day I'll share her home__ 3=2=10.0.0_.1=3=5=|53_32_2_10_.1=2=3=| L:I found a love,___ to car-ry more than just my se-crets 4.0_4=5=3=3=-=2=1=1_.0_1_2_|2.-_1=2=3_ L:To car-ry love, to car-ry chil---dren of our own___ 5_5_5_6_2_2_|32_32_3.3_2_1_| L:We are still kids, but we're so_ in_ love 32_3.3.3_2_1_| L:Figh-ting a-gainst_ all odds 4.3_.2=1_1.5,.|3.-_4_3_2. 3_2_1_| L:I know we'll be al---right this time___ 3.3.31_3_2_1_| L:Dar-ling, just hold my hand 32_32_3.3_2_1_| L:Be my girl, I'll be_ your_ man 4.3_.2=1_1.5,_2_1=2=| L:I see my fu-ture__ in your eyes__ -.0.3=5=-3=2=3=2=1_|1.0.1'7_67_| L:Ba--by,____ I'm dan-cing in the dark 3.00=1=54_32_| L:With you be-tween my arms 1.0.1'7_61_| L:Bare-foot on the grass 3.0.5_5_5_5_.6_.| L:Lis-ten-ing to our favou-rite song 3_2_1_0_3_5_1'7_67_|3.1_2_3_54_34_| L:When I saw you in that dress, loo-king so beau-ti-ful 32_2.4.31=2=| L:I don't_ de-serve this,=1=| L:Dar-ling, you look per-fect to-night 3.-.-.3_2_1_| L:"(間奏)" *** 21_-.-.6,_1_2_| L:***** 3.2_1_2_4.-_2_1_| L:* **** ** 2.1.4_56_5_3_|3_.2=1=2=1.1'7_67_| L:* * Ba--by,__ I'm____ dan-cing in the dark 3.00=1=54_3_2_1_| L:With you be-tween_ my arms 1.0.1'7_61_| L:Bare-foot on the grass__ 32=1=0.5_5_5_5_.6_.| L:Lis-ten-ing to our favou-rite song 3_2_1_0_3_5_66_6_5_5_| L:I have faith in what_ I see 3.1_2_3_54_34_|32_21_4.31_| L:Now I know I have met an an--gel in per-son,_| L:And she looks per-fect| L:I don't de-serve this,=1=| L:You look per-fect to-night


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