歌曲 Photograph

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:Ed Sheeran



/key(E3) bpm108 1_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_|1_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_| L:"(前奏)"****** ******* 6,_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_|6,_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_| L:******* ******* 5_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_|5_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_| L:******* ******* 4_1'_7_1'_-_5_4_3_| L:******* * 103_3_2_3_|0000| L:Lo-ving can hurt 003_3_2_3_|-1_1_-0| L:Lo-ving can hurt some-times 001_1_2_7,_|-7,_1_-4_3_|-_.1=-00|0000| L:But it's the on-ly thing that I know 003_3_2_3_|-.2_-.1_| L:When it gets hard__ 01_1_3_3_2_3_|-1_1_00| L:You know it can get hard some-times 001_1_2_7,_|-7,_1_-1_4_|-_32=1=13|--00|0000| L:It is the on-ly thing that makes us feel a-live_ 0_5,_1_1_1_1_1_2_|3000| L:We keep this love in a photo-graph 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_2_|3_32_-1=2_5=| L:We made these me-mo-ries for our-selves_ -_3_3=2_2=-_10=5=| L:Where our eyes are ne-ver clo-sing -_3_3=2_2=-=1=-5=5=| L:Hearts are ne-ver bro-ken -_.3=3=2_2=-_17,_| L:And time's for-e-ver fro-zen still -00_1'_1'_2'_|3'-5-|3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|3'-2'-| L:So you can keep me in-side the poc-ket of your ripped jeans 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_| L:Hold-ing me clo-ser 3'-2'-| L:'Til our eyes meet 2'_3'4'_-_3'_2'=1'_1'=|---0| L:You won't e-ver be a-lone 7_1'7_7_1'1'_|0000| L:Wait for me to come home 003_3_2_3_|-000| L:Lo-ving can heal 003_3_2_3_|-1_1_-0| L:Lo-ving can mend your soul 001_1_2_7,_|-7,_1_-4_3_|-_.1=-0_6,0_|0000| L:And is the on-ly thing that I know know 01_1_3_3_2_3_|-2_3_00_1_| L:I swear it will get ea-si-er 1_1_1_1_6_5_3_2_|1_1_000_7,_| L:Re-mem-ber that with e-ve-ry piece of you em_ -_1.1_1_2_7,_|-7,_1_-_1_1|4_32_1_1_3|-000|00_7,_-_1.| L:And it's the on-ly thing we take with us when we die_ em_ 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_2_|3000| L:We keep this love in a photo-graph 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_2_|3_32_-1=2_5=| L:We made these me-mo-ries for our-selves_ -_3_3=2_2=-_10=5=| L:Where our eyes are ne-ver clo-sing -_3_3=2_2=-=1=-1=5=| L:Hearts are ne-ver bro-ken -_.3=3=2_2=-_17,_| L:And time's for-e-ver fro-zen still -00_1'_1'_2'_|3'-5-|3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|3'-2'-| L:So you can keep me in-side the poc-ket of your ripped jeans 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_| L:Hold-ing me clo-ser 3'-2'-| L:'Til our eyes meet 2'_3'4'_-_3'_2'=1'_1'=|-- -_3'.| L:You won't e-ver be a-lone_ -00_1'_1'_2'_|3'-5-| L:And if you hurt me 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|3'-2'-| L:That's o-k ba-by on-ly words bleed 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|5'-3'-| L:In-side these pa-ges you just hold me 2'_3'4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|1'---| L:I won't e-ver let you go 7_1'7_7_1'1'_|0000| L:Wait for me to come home 7_1'7_7_1'1'_|0000| L:Wait for me to come home 2'_3'2'_2'_3'3'_|0000| L:Wait for me to come home 7_1'7_7_1'5_|-.1'_-.2'_| L:Wait for me to come home__ --0_1'_1'_2'_|3'-5_5_5_5_| L:And you can fit me 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|3'-2'-| L:In-side the neck-lace you got when you were six-teen 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|3'-2'-| L:Next to your heart-beat where I should be 2'_3'4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|1'- -_3'.| L:Keep it deep with-in your soul_ -00_1'_1'_2'_|3'-5-| L:And if you hurt me 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|3'-2'-| L:That's o-k ba-by on-ly words bleed 3'_3'_3'_4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|5'-3'-| L:In-side these pa-ges you just hold me 2'_3'4'_-_3'_2'_1'_|1'- -_3'.| L:I won't e-ver let you go_ 001_1_3_3_|-000|3_3_3_4_-_3_2_1_|3-2-| L:When I'm a-way, I will re-mem-ber how you kissed me 3_3_3_4_-_3_2_1_|3-2-| L:Un-der the lamp-post back on Sixth street 3_3_3_4_-_3_2_1_|1000| L:Hear-ing you whis-per through the phone 7,_17,_7,_11_| L:Wait for me to come home


🌎語言:繁體中文 English