歌曲 Fear Not This Night

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:Asja Kadric



/key(D4) bpm106 3'6-|6--|1'7-|6--| L:"(前奏)"* * ** * 36,-|6,--|17,1_2_|6,--| L:** * **** * 17,1|17,1|17,2|17,6,| L:*** *** *** *** 17,1|17,1|17,2|17,6,| L:*** *** *** *** 17,1|17,1|17,2|17,6,| L:*** *** *** *** 17,1|323|656|666| L:*** *** *** *** 666|60_000| L:*** * bpm105 6,13|6,-1_7,_| L:Fear not this night 7,5,.7,_|6,--| L:You will not go a-stray 6,13|6-6_5_| L:Though sha-dows fall, 5--|5_6_#4.1_| L:Still the stars find their way bpm106 111_7,_|1_7,_6,6,_1_| L:A-wa-ken from a quiet_ sleep 7,_6,_5,5,_7,_|6,-0_1_| L:Hear the whis-pe-ring of the wind. 111_7,_|1_2_6,7,_1_| L:A-wa-ken as the si-lence grows 7,_1_21_7,_|6,-0| L:In the so-li-tude of the night 333_.2=|3_2_12_3_| L:Dark-ness spreads through-out the land, 2_1_7,1_2_|1_7,_6,-| L:And your wea-ry eyes o-pen si-lent-ly 333_.2=|3_6_63_6_| L:Sun-sets have for-sa-ken all 56,5|5_6_#42| L:The most far off ho-ri--zons._ 567_7_|1'_7_6-|000|000| L:Night-mares come when sha-dows grow 567|1'_2'6_-|000|000| L:Eyes close and heart-beats slow 6,13|6,-1_7,_| L:Fear not this night 7,5,.7,_|6,--| L:You will not go a-stray 6,13|6-1'_7_| L:Though sha-dows fall, 7-5_7_|6-0_3_| L:Still the stars find their way 6-6|534|5--|003_5_| L:And you can al-ways be strong 6-6_7_|1'3.4_|5--|--0| L:Lift your voice with the first light of dawn 4-4_4_|32.1_|2--|--0| L:Dawn's just a heart-beat a-way 4-5_6_|53.1_|2--|--0| L:Hope's just a sun-rise a-way 111_7,_|1_7,_6,6,_1_| L:Dis-tant sounds of me-lo-dies 7,_6,_5,5,_7,_|6,-0_1_| L:Cal-ling through the night to your heart 111_.7,=|1_2_6,7,_1_| L:Au-ro-ras, mists, and e-choes dance 7,_1_21_7,_|6,-0| L:In the so-li-tude of our life 333_.2=|3_2_12_3_| L:Plea-dings heard in a-ri-as 2_1_7,1_2_|1_7,_6,-| L:Gen-tly grie-ving in cap-tive mi-se-ry 333_.2=|3_6_63_6_| L:Dark-ness sings a for-lorn song 56,5|5_6_#4-| L:Yet our hope can still rise_ up 567_7_|1'_7_6-|000|000| L:Night-mares come when sha-dows roam 567|1'_2'_6-|000|000| L:Lift your voice, lift your hope 6,13|6,-1_7,_| L:Fear not this night 7,5,.7,_|6,--| L:You will not go a-stray 6,13|6-1'_7_| L:Though sha-dows fall, 7-5_7_|6-0_3_| L:Still the stars find their way 01'_7_1'|1'-1'_7_|1'60|000| L:And "(-3key)though" the night sky's filled with black-ness 01'_7_1'|1'6-|1'72'|1'_7_60| L:"(+1key)Fear"_ not, rise up, call out and take my hand 6,13|6,-1_7,_| L:"(+9key)Fear" not this night 7,5,.7,_|6,--| L:You will not go a-stray 6,13|6-1'_7_| L:Though sha-dows fall, 7-5_7_|6--| L:Still the stars find their way 6,13|6,-1_7,_| L:Fear not this night 7,5,.7,_|6,--| L:You will not go a-stray 6,13|6-1'_7_| L:Though sha-dows fall, 7-5_7_|6-0_3_| L:Still the stars find their way 6-6|534|5--|003_5_| L:And you can al-ways be strong 6-6_7_|1'3.4_|5--|--0| L:Lift your voice with the first light of dawn 4-4_4_|32.1_|2--|--0| L:Dawn's just a heart-beat a-way 4-5_6_|53.1_|2--|--0| L:Hope's just a sun-rise a-way


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