歌曲 What's Up

編輯 檢視歷史

歌手:4 Non Blondes



/key(A3) bpm134 03_3_33_5,_|3_35_--| L:Twenty-five years and my life is still 2_2_2_2_-_1.|5_52_-_31_|----| L:Try-ing to get up great big hill of hope 01_6,_1_13_|-_1.--|0000_5,_| L:For a des-ti-na-tion 3_33_-_3_3_5,_|3_35_-_5_5_2_| L:I real-ized quick-ly when I knew I should -_22_2_2_1|5_52_-_2_3_1_|----| L:That the world was made up of this bro-ther-hood of_ man 01_6,_1_1_3_1_|----| L:For what-e-ver that means 000_5_5_5_|3'3'1'1'_1'_|5_5_5_4_33_3_| L:And so I cry some-times when I'm ly-ing in bed_ 4_4_3'_2'_-_44_|-_3'2'_-_2'_2'_3'_| L:Just to get it all out what's in my head 00_1'=1'=1'_1'.|00_1'_1'_1'_2_2_|-_3.--| L:And I,_ I am feel-ing a lit-tle pe-cu-liar. 000_5_5_5_|3'3'_3'_1'_1'_1'_1'_|5_54_33_3_| L:And so I wake in the morn-ing and I step out-side_ 4_4_3'_2'_-_4_4_3'_|-_3'1'_6_6_1'| L:And I take a deep breath and I get real high_ 01'_6=6=1'_6_1'_1'_| L:And I scream from the top of my lungs -2'2'_3'1'_|-000| L:What's go-ing on? bpm135 05_6_-_5.|3'-1'-|5.4_-_3.|3'-1'-|4-0_2'_3'_1'_| L:And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah,__ HEY yeah yea -000|02'2'_3'1'_|-000| L:I said hey, what's go-ing on? 05_6_-_5.|3'-1'-|5.4_-_3.|3'-1'-|4-0_2'_3'_1'_| L:And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah,__ HEY yeah yea -000|02'2'_3'1'_|-000|0000| L:I said hey, what's go-ing on? 05_4_5-|00_1'_-_7.|06, -_54_|-_32=1=--| L:ooh__ ooh_ ooh_____ 06, -_54_|-_31_--|0000|0000| L:ooh____ 05_4_3-|00_1'_-_2'_1'|06, -_54_|-_32=1=--| L:ooh__ ooh__ ooh_____ 06, -_54_|-_31_--|0000| L:ooh____ bpm134 000_5_5_4_|5---|3'_3'5'_-_5'_5'_5_|6--0_5_| L:And I try,_ oh my god do I try_ 2'.2'_-_3'1'_|6--0|0_1'_1'1'_1'3'_|-_1'_5-0| L:I try all the time,_ in this ins-ti-tu-tion_ 000_5_5_4_|5---|3'_3'5'_-_5'_5'_5_|6--0_6_| L:And I pray,_ oh my god do I pray_ 5'_5'_2'_5'_-_5'4'_|3'-00| L:I pray e-very sin-gle day_ 05'_5'_5'_5'3'_|-_1'_2'--| L:For a re-vo-lu-tion._ bpm136 000_5_5_5_|3'3'1'1'_1'_|5_5_5_4_33_3_| L:And so I cry some-times when I'm ly-ing in bed_ 4_4_3'_2'_-_44_|-_3'2'_-_2'_2'_3'_| L:Just to get it all out what's in my head 00_1'=1'=1'_1'.|00_1'_1'_1'_2_2_|-_3.--| L:And I,_ I am feel-ing a lit-tle pe-cu-liar. 000_5_5_5_|3'3'_3'_1'_1'_1'_1'_|5_54_33_3_| L:And so I wake in the morn-ing and I step out-side_ 4_4_3'_2'_-_4_4_3'_|-_3'1'_6_6_1'| L:And I take a deep breath and I get real high_ 01'_6=6=1'_6_1'_1'_| L:And I scream from the top of my lungs -5'5'_5'3'_|-_1'.00| L:What's go-ing on?_ 05_6_-_5.|3'-1'-|5.4_-_3.|3'-1'-|4-0_2'_3'_1'_| L:And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah,__ HEY yeah yea -000|02'2'_3'1'_|-000| L:I said hey, what's go-ing on? 05_6_-_5.|3'-1'-|5.4_-_3.|3'-1'-|4-0_2'_3'_1'_| L:And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah,__ HEY yeah yea -000|05'5'_5'3'_|-_1'.00| L:I said hey, what's go-ing on?_ 05_6_-_5.|3'-1'-|5.4_-_3.|3'-1'-|4-0_2'_3'_1'_| L:And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah,__ HEY yeah yea -000|02'2'_3'1'_|-000| L:I said hey, what's go-ing on? 05_6_-_5.|3'-1'-|5.4_-_3.|3'-1'-|4'_4'4'_-_2'_3'_1'_| L:And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah,__ HEY yeah yeah yeah yeah -000|02'2'_3'1'_|-000|0000| L:I said hey, what's go-ing on? 05--|00_1'_-_7.| bpm134 06, -_54_|-_32=1=--| L:ooh ooh_ ooh_____ bpm132 06, -_54_|-_31_--| bpm115 0000|0000| L:ooh____ bpm115 03_3_33_5,_|3_35_--| L:Twenty-five years and my life is still 2_2_2_2_-_1.|5_52_-_31_|-000| L:Try-ing to get up great big hill of hope 01_6,_1_13_|-_1.-.6,_|5,-00| L:For a des-ti-na-tion__


🌎語言:繁體中文 English