歌曲 Chocological

編輯 檢視歷史




/key(D) bpm134 3-5,_13_|-_33_-_3_5_1_|1-7,_11_|-_5,1_-_2_3_2_| L:Ev-er since I was young L:I had a dream that I will be li-ving in a cas-tle 5,-5,_15,_|-_15,_-_1_2_1_|2-2_32_|-_34_-_3_2_1_| L:Made out of cho-colate and_ cake L:What a sweet sweet dream it was 3-5,_13_|-_33_-_3_5_1_|1-7,_11_|-_5,1_-_2_3_2_| L:The walls will be mar-ble cho-colate bars L:The roof will be milk cho-colate ci-gars 5,-5,_15,_|-_15,_-_1_2_1_|2-2_32_|-_34_-_3_2| L:The pool will be ca-ra-mel cho-colate bliz-zard L:Sprin-kled with su-gar pow-der 5- -_1_7,_1_|1-0_5,_1_2_|21_2_-_12_|-_1_2_5_2_1.| L:Let's make it come true L:De-li-cious i-ma-gi-na-tion can-not be was-ted 5- -_1_7,_1_|1-0_3_2_1_|21_2_-_1_2_1_|44_3_4_5.| L:Oom-pa Loom-pa Doom L:Sing_ the ma-gi-cal song while stir-ring in whip-ping cream 5- -_5_6_1_|7,_1_10_5,_1_2_|21_2_-_12_|-_1_2_5_2_1.| L:Tem-per-ing_ tem-per-ing L:Va-nil-la ex-tract cer-tain-ly adds in a-ro-ma 5--7,_1_|-00_3_2_1_|21_2_-_1_2_1_|44_3_4_3_4_5_| L:Gra-ted heart L:With that en-chan-ted for-mu-la the cas-tle soon will be com-plete 0000|0000|0000|0000_2_| 3-5,_13_|-_33_-_3_5_1_|1-7,_11_|-_5,1_-_2_3_2_| L:The gar-den is cho-colate ge-la-tin L:The trees are cho-colate ap-ples on sticks 5,-5,_15,_|-_15,_-_1_2_1_|2-2_32_|-_34_-_3_2_1_| L:The flow-ers are pi-ña co-la-da sy-rup L:Pumped in min-ty cho-colate eggs 3-5,_13_|-_33_-_3_5_1_|1-7,_11_|-_5,1_-_2_3_2_| L:The couch is dark cho-colate ma-ca-ron L:The bed is com-fy cho-colate sponge cake 5,-5,_15,_|-_15,_-_1_2_1_|2-2_32_|-_33_4_3_2| L:Ding-dong L:Looks like some-one’s at the door L:Hel-lo, how are you L:Would you like to join? 5-0_1_7,_1_|1-0_5,_1_2_|21_2_-_12_|-_1_2_5_2_1.| L:Jump down to the slide L:Ba-na-na split with ex-tra bit-ter cho-colate la-va 5-0_1_7,_1_|1-0_3_2_1_|21_2_-_1_2_1_|44_3_4_5.| L:Bounce on the play-ground L:E-xo-tic a-ça-í juice dipped in con-densed cho-colate stream 5-0_5_6_1_|7,_1_10_5,_1_2_|21_2_-_12_|-_1_2_5_2_1.| L:Let's make this our se-cret base L:When you are with me I for-get all of my sor-rows 5--7,_1_|-00_3_2_1_|21_2_-_1_2_1_|444_3_4_5_| L:Take my heart L:This is our new home L:We will live hap-pi-ly ev-er af-ter 0000|0000|0000|0000| 0000|0000|0000|0000| 1000_7,_|1000_2_|1000_1_|232_17,_| L:Crunch crum-ble crac-kle L:The cas-tle's brea-king a-part 1002_7,_|100_57,_|1---|44_3_4_3_2| L:Trem-bl-ing trem-bl-ing L:You're slow-ly ea-ting up our dream-yard 3000_1_|500_67,_|1000|0002_7,_| L:Nib-bl-ing nib-bl-ing 1000_2_|3000|1000|5,000_2_|1000|0000_6_| L:With-out he-si-ta-tion 5-07,_1_|000_5,_1_2_|21_2_-_12_|-_1_2_5_2_11_| L:You ate it all L:My hopes my dreams my cas-tle my i-mag-i-na-tion 5.0_07,_1_|000_3_2_1_|21_2_-_1_2_1_|44_3_4_3_4_6_| L:You ate it all L:My tears my sweat my blood my hard work my time my faith my trust 500_5_6_1_|7,10_5,_1_2_|21_2_-_12_|-_1_2_5_2_11_| L:You ate our cho-colate cas-tle L:And when you're done you left to search for new de-li-cacy 5007,_1_|000_3_2_1_|21_2_-_1_2_1_|44_3_4_3_4_6_| L:You shred my heart L:How-e-ver I am not an-gry at all 'cause I'm cho-co-lo-gi-cal 5--0|00_4_-_3_4_6_|5--7,_1_|00_4_-_3_4_6_| L:Cho-co-lo-gi-cal__ L:Cho-co-lo-gi-cal 5---|00_4_-_3_4_6_|5--0_7,_|102-|3000| L:Cho-co-lo-gi-cal, uh ooh, uh ooh


🌎語言:繁體中文 English