
時間:2024/7/27 上午2:35:33

  1. 兜圈,歌手:林宥嘉,相似度:71.14
    /key(D3) bpm118 1_2_33-|2_3_44-| L:玩玩積木 換換座位 3_4_551|6,_7,_112| L:聽聽唱片 又輪迴了幾遍 1_2_33-|2_3_44-| L:騎騎單車 盪盪鞦韆 3_4_551'|6677| L:看看雲堆 還要吹散幾遍 1'-1'.7_|73'77|62'2'6|5=4=3.-0| L:喔_ 不知不覺 已走了多遠__ 43_4_5-|b65_b6_b7b7| L:妳打呵欠 我遊花園 1'b7b6_5_4_5_|5-| L:差一點多_一_些 bpm80 0_5_5_4_| bpm118 351'3'|4'_3'_2'_1'_3'.2'_| L:路過了學校花店 荒野到海邊_ 1'7_1'_2'_1'_7_6_|b7b71'1'_6_| L:有一種浪漫的愛 是浪費時_間 6-6_7_1'|3'_4'_3'_2'_2'_1'.| L:徘徊到繁華世_界_ 4_5_66_7_1'|7_7_7_1'_2'_5_5_4_| L:才發現妳背影 平凡得特別 351'3'|4'_3'_4'_5'_3'.2'_| L:繞過了城外邊界 還是沒告別_ 1'7_1'_2'_1'_7_6_|b76'5'2'|1'6'5'-| L:愛錯過了太久 反而錯的完美無缺 6_7_1'_2'_3'1'|1'---|--00| L:幸福兜了一個圈 1'4'1'3'|2'---|---0| L:想去的終點 1'7_6_-_5.|0000|0000| L:就在原點 1_2_33-|2_3_44-| L:聊聊是非 吐吐苦水 3_4_551|6,_7,_112| L:喋喋不休是時候談風月 1_2_33-|2_3_44-| L:等待誤會 熬成約會 3_4_551'|6677| L:重新定位要成為妳的誰 1'-1'.7_|73'77|62'2'6|5=4=3.-0| L:喔_ 不知不覺 已走了多遠__ 43_4_5-|b65_b6_b7b7| L:妳打呵欠 我遊花園 1'b7b6_5_4_5_|5---| L:差一點多_一_些 000_5_5_4_|351'3'|4'_3'_2'_1'_3'.2'_| L:路過了學校花店 荒野到海邊_ 1'7_1'_2'_1'_7_6_|b7b71'1'_6_| L:有一種浪漫的愛 是浪費時_間 6-6_7_1'|3'_4'_3'_2'_2'_1'.| L:徘徊到繁華世_界_ 4_5_66_7_1'|7_7_7_1'_2'_5_5_4_| L:才發現妳背影 平凡得特別 351'3'|4'_3'_4'_5'_3'.2'_| L:繞過了城外邊界 還是沒告別_ 1'7_1'_2'_1'_7_6_|b76'5'2'|1'6'5'-| L:愛錯過了太久 反而錯的完美無缺 6_7_1'_2'_3'1'|1'---| L:幸福兜了一個圈 -01'_2'_b3'_1'_|5'5'_5'_-5'_5'_|-4'_b3'_-_2'b3'=2'=|1'---| L:想起來好像昨天 我們初次見面__ 001'_2'_b3'_1'_|5'5'_5'_-4'_b7'_|-1''_5'_-_b6'5'=2'=|3'---| L:想不起很久以前 少了妳在身邊__ 003'_2'_1'_7_|63'1'6| L:謝謝妳陪我迷途樂園 5-3'_2'_1'_7_|63'1'1'|5'5'_5'_-_3'3'=4'=|-=3'=2'_---| L:繞了一個圈 才體會 這樣的迂迴___ -01'_.7=-_6_|3'---|1''7'5'_5_5_4_| L:多麼可貴 "(-3key)Oh"__ 00|351'3'|4'_3'_2'_1'_3'.2'_| L:路過了學校花店 荒野到海邊_ 1'7_1'_2'_1'_7_6_|b7b71'1'_6_| L:有一種浪漫的愛 是浪費時_間 6-6_7_1'|3'_4'_3'_2'_2'_1'.| L:徘徊到繁華世_界_ 4_5_66_7_1'|7_7_7_1'_2'_5_5_4_| L:才發現妳背影 平凡得特別 351'3'|4'_3'_4'_5'_3'.2'_| L:繞過了城外邊界 還是沒告別_ 1'7_1'_2'_1'_7_6_|b76'5'2'|1'6'5'-| L:愛錯過了太久 反而錯的完美無缺 6_7_1'_2'_3'1'|1'---| L:幸福兜了一個圈 00b3'_2'_1'_7_| bpm105 66'5'-| L:那些美好的兜圈 bpm80 6_7_1'_2'_3'7_1'_|-2'1'-|----| L:讓回憶值得懷_念_
  2. Poker Face,歌手:Lady Gaga,相似度:70.00
    /key(B3) bpm119 6_6_6,_6,_3_3_6,_6,_|6_6_4_1_5_5_5,_5,_| L:"(前奏)"******* ******** 6_6_6,_6,_3_3_6,_6,_|6_6_4_1_5_5_5,_5,_| L:******** ******** 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_2_1_2_1_| L:******** ******** 3_3_3_3_3_3_3_3_|3_3_3_3_4_3_4_3_| L:******** ******** 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_2_1_2_1_| L:******** ******** 3_3_3_3_3_3_3_3_|3_3_3_3_4_3_4_3_| L:******** ******** 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_1-| L:I wan-na hold 'em like they do in Te-xas, please 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_1_5,_5,_5,_| L:Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it, ba-by, stay with me (I love it) 6_3_#2_3_4_3_#2_3_|4_3_2_1_7,.6,_| L:Love game in-tu-i-tion, play the cards with spades to start 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_1-| L:And af-ter he's been hooked, I'll play the one that's on his heart 6,.3_#21| L:Oh, whoa,_ oh, oh 6,.3_#2_3_#2_5,_| L:Whoa,___ oh, oh 6,_1_1_1_1.1_|1_1_1_1_--| L:I'll get him hot, show him what I've got 6,.3_#21| L:Oh, whoa,_ oh, oh 6,.3_#2_3_#2_5,_| L:Whoa,___ oh, oh 6,_1_1_1_1.1_|1_1_1_1_--| L:I'll get him hot, show him what I've got 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_16'| L:I wan-na roll with him, a hard pair we will be (hey) 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_1_1_2_1_| L:A lit-tle gam-b-lin' is fun when you're with me (I love it) 0_6_3_3_4_3_#2_3_|4_3_2_1_7,.6,_| L:Rus-sian rou-lette is not the same with-out a gun 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_15,| L:And ba-by, when it's love, if it's not rough, it is-n't fun (fun) 6,.3_#21| L:Oh, whoa,_ oh, oh 6,.3_#2_3_#2_5,_| L:Whoa,___ oh, oh 6,_1_1_1_1.1_|1_1_1_1_--| L:I'll get him hot, show him what I've got 6,.3_#21| L:Oh, whoa,_ oh, oh 6,.3_#2_3_#2_5,_| L:Whoa,___ oh, oh 6,_1_1_1_1.1_|1_1_1_1_--| L:I'll get him hot, show him what I've got 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,.3_#21|6,.3_#2_3_#2_5,_| L:"(間奏)"** ****** 6,.3_#21|6,.3_#2_3_#2_#2_| L:**** **** 6_6_5_5_3_6,_3_5_|#2_6,_#2_3_3=5_.#2_3_| L:I won't tell you that I love you, kiss or hug you 5_1_3_5_#2_#4_2_4_| L:'Cause I'm bluf-fin' with my muf-fin 2_4_2_4_2_3_6_1_| L:I'm not ly-ing, I'm just stun-nin' with my love glue-gun-nin' 0_3_3_3_#4_#5_#4_n5_| L:Just like a chick in the ca-si-no 3_3_4_3_4_5_5_5_| L:Take your bank be-fore I pay you out 3_3_3_3_4_5=5=-_3_| L:I pro-mise this, pro-mise this 1=6,_.2_3_2_1_1_1_| L:Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1'_7_5_-_1'_7_5_| L:Can't read my, can't read my -_5_4_3_4_3_3|35_5_--| L:No, he can't rea-d my po-ker face 7,_1_7,_5,_7,_1_7,_5,_| L:(She's_ got me like no-bo-dy) 0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) 6,_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_|1_1_1_1_-_6,_6,_6,_|6,000| L:P-p-p-po-ker face, p-p-po-ker face (mum-mum-mum-mah)
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