Song God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

This is the current version of the song “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen” (1671940452934)

Singer: 英國聖誕頌歌

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

6,|6,332|17,6,5,| L:God rest you mer-ry, gen-tle-men, 6,7,12|3--6,| L:Let no-thing you dis-may, 6,332|17,6,5,| L:For Je-sus Christ our Sa-vi-our 6,7,12|3--3| L:Was born up-on this day, 4234|5632| L:To save us all from Sa-tan's power 16,7,1|2-12| L:When we were gone a-stray: 3-43|3217,| L:O_ tid-ings of com--fort and joy, 6,-1_7,_6,|2-12| L:com-fort and joy, 3456|3217,|6,--| L:O_ tid--ings of com--fort and joy.
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English