To-do list

重寫畫簡譜的程式Rewrite numbered music notation renderer

Date created: 1663687512000
Date modified: 1680917377146
Status: Open


可以從中間開始播放 Play from the middle of the song

Date created: 1664192968000
Date modified: 1680917776104
Status: Open

在練歌的時候,常常會分段練唱,所以想要能夠按下某個小節,就從那裡開始播放 When practicing singing a song, I usually practice in sections. So I wish I can playback from whatever measure I click on.

示範錄音 Sample Recording

Date created: 1687091719000
Date modified: 1687091719324
Status: Open

哼唱找歌需要有示範,別人才知道應該要怎麼樣的錄音才能搜尋歌曲 Humming Search needs some samples, so others know what kind of recording can be used to search songs.

使用說明 User manual

Date created: 1664599266000
Date modified: 1690134446975
Status: Open

朋友不會用這個網站,我要寫說明來教導大家 My friends don't know how to use this website. I need to write a manual to teach everyone.


Date created: 1663688363000
Date modified: 1663688363000
Status: Committed


國際化 I18n

Date created: 1664593731000
Date modified: 1673791366719
Status: Committed

我有一些外國朋友(個位數而已😅),他們看不懂中文,希望這個網站可以支援英文 I have some foreign friends(single digit only😅), they don't understand Chinese. I wish this website can support English.


Date created: 1664125761000
Date modified: 1687092056984
Status: Committed

大家唱歌的時候會調key,但是目前本網站只支援C key,而且有時候慢歌的播放速度太快,需要能夠調整拍速的bpm 簡譜上設定:在簡譜中插入一行,輸入bpm數字,可以設定拍速,注意bpm這三個字母必須是全形字母 在簡譜的開頭輸入/key(調性名稱),可以設定key,如/key(C)是C大調,/key(Ab)是降A大調,但整首歌只能用一個/key指令(目前的限制) 播放時設定:在歌曲網址後面加上#key=<調性>&bpm=<bpm> TODO:提供使用者介面來調整拍速和key

顯示歌詞 Show lyrics

Date created: 1663687512000
Date modified: 1680917903590
Status: Done

有點像這樣: 1 1 5 5 | 6 6 5 - | 一閃一閃 亮晶晶 需要重寫畫簡譜的程式 Looks like this: 1 1 5 5 | 6 6 5 - | Twin-kle Twin-kle lit-tle star

🌎Language: 繁體中文 English