Song We wish you a Merry Christmas

This is the current version of the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas” (1702999068955)

Singer: 英國傳統頌歌

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

5,|11_2_1_7,_|6,6,6,| L:We wish you a me-rry Christ-mas 22_3_2_1_|7,5,5,| L:We wish you a me-rry Christ-mas 33_4_3_2_|16,5,_5,_|6,27,|1-5,| L:We wish you a me-rry Christ-mas and a ha-ppy new year 111|7,-7,|17,6,|5,-2| L:Good ti-dings we bring to you and your kin 32_2_1_1_|55,5,_5,_|6,27,|1-| L:We wish you a me-rry Christ-mas and a ha-ppy new year
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English