Song God is a Girl

This is the historical version of the song “God is a Girl” at 1694533336269.

Singer: Groove Coverage

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

6,_|6,7,_1_6,.7,_|12_1_7,.1_| L:Re-mem-be-ring me, dis-co-ver and see, 6,7,_1_6,.7,_|12_1_2.2_| L:All o-ver the world, she's known as a girl, 12_1_1.1_|12_1_2.1_| L:To those who are free, their minds shall be key, 1_1_2_1_1.1_|1_1_2_1_| L:For-got-ten as the past, 'cause his-to-ry will last. 7,-05,=6,=5,_|6,_.5,=6,=5,=6,_11=1=1=1=| L:God is a girl, wher-e-ver you are, -=5,_.1=7,=1=2=-=7,_.5,=6,=5,_| L:Do you be-lieve it, can you re-ceive it, 6,_.5,=6,=5,=6,_11=1=1=1=| L:God is a girl, what-e-ver you say, -=5,_.1=7,=1=2=-=7,_.5,=6,=5,_| L:Do you be-lieve it, can you re-ceive it, 6,_.5,=6,=5,=6,_11=1=1=1=| L:God is a girl, how-e-ver you live, -=5,_.1=7,=1=2=-=7,_.5,=6,=5,_| L:Do you be-lieve it, can you re-ceive it, 6,_.5,=6,=5,=6,_11=1=1=1=| L:God is a girl, she's on-ly a girl, -=5,_.1=7,=1=2=-=7,_.-|0_5,=5,=1=1=7,=1=| L:Do you be-lieve it, can you re-ceive it? 1_1_1_2=3=1_1_1_2=3=| L:"(間奏)"***** **********
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English