Song Wait

This is the historical version of the song “Wait” at 1688660794637.

Singer: Maroon 5

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

bpm126 01=2_2=-_1=6,=1_.2=|0000| L:Dir-ty looks from your mo-ther 01=2=-=2=-_1_6,_5,_|6,_.1=-_5,_-=5,_.1| L:Ne-ver seen you in a dress that co-lor‚ no 01=2_2=-=1_6,=1_.2=|0000| L: It's a spe-cial oc-ca-sion 01=2_1=-_1_6,_5,_|6,_.1=-_5,_-=5,_.1| L:Not in-vi-ted‚ but I'm glad I made it‚ oh 5_5.-.1_|2_1=2=--0_1_| L:Let me a-po-lo-gize 4=4_.3=3_.2=2_.1=1_6,=| L:I'll make up‚ make up‚ make up 1_1_5,00| L:Make up for all those times 5_5.-.5=6=|2_1=2=--0_1_| L:Your love‚ I don't wan-na lose 4=4_.3=3_.2=2_.1=1_6,=| L:I'm beg-gin'‚ beg-gin'‚ beg-gin'‚ beg-gin' 4_3_300| L:I'm beg-gin' you 1.5,=5,=1_3_2|0_5,=5,=1_3_21| L:Wait‚ can you turn a-round‚ can you turn a-round? 1.5,=5,=1_3_2| L:Just wait‚ can we work this out 0_1=1=2_3_52| L:Can we work this out? 1.5,=5,=1_3_2| L:Just wait‚ can you come here please? 0_5,=5,=1_3_21|6,_5,=6,=1_6,=1=2_1=2=3_2=3=|5_3=5=6_5=6=1'_6=1'=2'| L:'Cause I wan-na be with you_____________________ 1'.5=5=1'_3'_2'|0_5=5=1'_3'_2'1'| L:Wait‚ can you turn a-round‚ can you turn a-round? 1'.5=5=1'_3'_2'| L:Just wait‚ can we work this out 0_1'=1'=2'_3'_5'2'| L:Can we work this out? 1'.5=5=1'_3'_2'| L:Just wait‚ can you come here please? 0_5=5=1'_3'_2'1'|6,_5,=6,=1_6,=1=2_1=2=3_2=3=|5_3=5=6_5=6=1'_6=1'=2'| L:'Cause I wan-na be with you_____________________
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English