Song Last Christmas

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Singer: Wham!

Language: 英文

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/key(D4) //A435 bpm107 22_2_11_1_|2_21_-_2_3_2,_| L:"(前奏)"***** ***** 3,5,_6,_-0_1_|-.3_2=1=-.| L:Oh___ Oh___ 33_3_22_2_|3_32_6.5_|33_3_22_2_|3_32_-_2_3_2_| L:****** *** Oh_ ****** ****** 2.2_-_15,_|2_2_3_1_-6,_6,_|2_2_31.6,_|7,_1_7,_6,_--| L:Last Christ-mas I gave you my heart But the ve-ry next day you gave it a-way 3.2_-.6,_|3_4_3_2_-.1_|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_|-_5,.00| L:This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to some-one spe-cial 2.2_-_15,_|2_2_3_1_-6,_6,_|2_2_31.6,_|7,_1_7,_6,_--| L:Last Christ-mas I gave you my heart But the ve-ry next day you gave it a-way 3.2_-.6,_|3_4_3_2_-.1_|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_|-_5,7,_-_5,.| L:This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to some-one spe-cial spe-cial 5-5'.5_|--5_6_7_1'_|2'1'6-|--5'_3'_1'_6_| L:"(間奏)"** **** *** **** 4---|--6'_4'_2'_7_|5---|004,_3,_2,| L:* **** * *** * 1,22_11_|5.3_-_2=1=-|0_2_2_2_2_11_|6_63_-_21_| L:Once bit-ten and twice shy__ I keep my dis-tance But you still catch my eye 03_6,=1=-_2.|3_3_3_6,=1=-_2.|0_11_7,=7,=17,_|1_7,_6,_6,_-_5,.| L:Tell me, ba-by Do you re-cog-nize me? Well, it's been a year It does-n't sur-prise me 01=1=1_10_1_|7,_1_7,_1_7,_1.|21_7,_-_1_2_7,_|-_1_7,_1_7,1| L:(Me-rry Christ-mas) I wrapped it up and sent it With a note say-ing, """I" love "you,""" I meant it 3_2_1_2_-_2_1_3_|-_2_1_2_-_1_7,_1_|17,_1_-_7,_1_7,_|1_7,_1_5,_--| L:Now_ I know what a fool_ I've been But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me a-gain 2.2_-_15,_|2_2_3_1_-6,_6,_|2_2_31.6,_|7,_1_7,_6,_--| L:Last Christ-mas I gave you my heart But the ve-ry next day you gave it a-way 3.2_-.6,_|3_4_3_2_-.1_|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_|-_5,.00| L:This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to some-one spe-cial 2.2_-_15,_|2_2_3_1_-6,_6,_|2_2_31.6,_|7,_1_7,_6,_--| L:Last Christ-mas I gave you my heart But the ve-ry next day you gave it a-way 3.2_-.6,_|3_4_3_2_-.1_|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_|-_5,7,_-_5,2_| L:This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to some-one spe-cial spe-cial 1---|002_1_7,_7,_|-1-0|005'_3'_1'_6_| L:Oh,_ oh,_ my ba-by 4---|006'_4'_2'_7_|5---|00_5_4_3_2| L:"(間奏)"*** * **** * **** * 1_5,_2 -_1_1|0_7,_1_5_-_3=2=1|-_5,_2 -_1_7,_1_|0_7,_1_6_6_3=2=1| L:A crow-ded room Friends with tired eyes__ I'm hi-ding from you And your soul of ice__ 0_3_3_6,_1_1_2|3_3_3_6,=1=-_2.|3.1_7,_7,_7,_1_|7,_7,_6,_6,_5,5,| L:My god I thought you were some-one to re-ly on me I guess I was a shoul-der to cry on 21_7,_7,_1_5,_5,_|2_1_7,_1_-.5,_|2_1_1_7,_7,_1_5,_5,_|5.3_-_32_| L:A face on a lo-ver with a fire in his heart A man_ un-der co-ver but you tore me a-part,_ ooh-ooh -1-0|3.2_-2_1_|3_2_2_1_1_7,_1_7,_|1_7,_1_5,_--| L:Now I've found a re-al love, you'll ne-ver fool me a-gain 2.2_-_15,_|2_2_3_1_-6,_6,_|2_2_31.6,_|7,_1_7,_6,_--| L:Last Christ-mas I gave you my heart But the ve-ry next day you gave it a-way 3.2_-.6,_|3_4_3_2_-.1_|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_|-_5,.00| L:This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to some-one spe-cial 2.2_-_15,_|2_2_3_1_-6,_6,_|2_2_31.6,_|7,_1_7,_6,_--| L:Last Christ-mas I gave you my heart But the ve-ry next day you gave it a-way 3.2_-.6,_|3_.4=-_3_2.1_|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_|-_5,.00| L:This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to some-one spe-cial 21_7,_7,_1_5,_5,_|2_1_7,_1_-.5,_|2_1_1_7,_7,_1_5,_5,_|2_1_7,_1_--| L:Face on a lo-ver with a fire in his heart A man_ un-der co-ver but you tore him a-part 0_4,_2,0_4,2,_|0000_2=1=|7,_1_7,_7,_-_11=7,=|7,_1_7,_7,_-_17,_| -_5,.0_32_|1-00|0_4_3--|----| L:May-be next year I-'ll give it to some-one I-'ll give it to some-one spe-cial Spe-cial..._ Some-one...

Last modified: 1734185557772

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