Song Edelweiss

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Singer: Richard Rodgers

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

3-5 | 2'-- | 1'-5 | 4-- | 3-3 | 345 | 6-- | 5-- | L:E-del-weiss, e-del-weiss, ev-ery mor-ning you greet me. 3-5 | 2'-- | 1'-5 | 4-- | 3-5 | 567 | 1'-- | 1'-- | L:Small and white, clean and bright, you look hap-py to meet me. 2'.5_5 | 765 | 3-5 | 1'-- | 6-1' | 2'-1' | 7-- | 5-- | L:Blos-som of snow, may you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow for-e-ver. 3-5 | 2'-- | 1'-5 | 4-- | 3-5 | 567 | 1'-- | 1'-- | L:E-del-weiss, e-del-weiss, bless my home-land for-e-ver.

Last modified: 1680503726552

🌎Language: 繁體中文 English