Song The Bluebells of Scotland

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Singer: 蘇格蘭民謠

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

5|1'-76|5-67_1'_|3342|1-05| L:Oh, where, and oh, where is my_ high-land lad-die gone, 1'-76|5-67_1'_|3342|1-05| L:Oh, where, and oh, where is my_ high-land lad-die gone, 3135|1'-67_1'_|756#4|5-67| L:He's gone to fight the French, for King_ George up-on the throne, 1'-76|5-67_1'_|3342|1-0| L:And it's oh in my heart I__ wish him safe at home.

Last modified: 1673362825921

🌎Language: 繁體中文 English