歌曲 You Are My Sunshine
這是歌曲「You Are My Sunshine」於 1680522406779 時的歷史版本
歌手:Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
0_5,_1_2_ | 33 0_3_2_3_ |
L:You are my sun-shine
11 0_1_2_3_ |
L:My on-ly sun-shine
46 0_6_5_4_ |
L:You make me ha-ppy
3- 0_1_2_3_ |
L:When skies are gray
46 0_6_5_4_ |
L:You'll ne-ver know dear
31 01_2_ |
L:How much I love you
3 0_4_ 22_3_ | 1-0_5,_1_2_ |
L:Please don't take my sun-shine a-way
33 0_3_2_3_ |
L:The o-ther night, dear
11 0_1_2_3_ |
L:When I lay sleep-ing
4654 | 3- 0_1_2_3_ |
L:I dreamed I held you, in my arms
46 0_6_5_4_ |
L:When I a-woke, dear
31 01_2_ |
L:I was mis-ta-ken
3 0_4_ 2.3_ | 1-0_5,_1_2_ |
L:So I hung my head and cried