歌曲 This song name test is even longer because now this website uses MongoDB. It's time to see what I can do to test the limit and break through no right no wrong no rules for me. I'm free!

這是歌曲「This song name test is even longer because now this website uses MongoDB. JianpuspaceisawesomeJianpuspacecanhelpyousearchsongswithoutknowingthenameofthesongAnditprovidesyouthenumberednotationWhichiseasytoread」於 1663692566471 時的歷史版本

歌手:This singer name test is even longer because now I use MongoDB. Let it go, let it go. I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go, let it go.



02_2_-_55_|-_22_-_56_|-5_6_-_56_|-_71'_-_2'5_| -2_2_-_55_|-2_5_-_2_6|-- -_7.|1'---|--0_6_7_1'_| --0_5_5_2'_|--0_1'_7_6_|-_6_6_6_-_71'_|-_2'_1' -_6_7_1'_| --0_5_3'_3'_|-2'-
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