歌曲 Right Here Waiting

這是歌曲「Right Here Waiting」於 1672579917128 時的歷史版本

歌手:Richard Marx



0 0 5,_1_2_2_ | -_3. 3_2_1_2_ | -_ 6,. 0 6,_7,_ | 1_2 7,. 6,_5,_ | L:O-ceans a-part,_ day af-ter day_ And I slow-ly go in-sane - 0 5,_1_2_2_ | -_3. 0_3_1_2_ | -_ 6,. 0 6,_7,_ | 1_2 7,. 1_1_ | L:I hear you voice_ on the line_ But it does-n't stop the pain - 0_1_1_2_3_4_ | - 3_1 2. | 0 0 1_2_3_4_ | - 3_1 1. | L:If I see you next to ne-ver How can we say for-e-ver? 0 0_5_ 5_4_3_2_ | - 0_2_ 2_3_4_3_ | - 1_1 2 3_ | -_ 2 1 7,_6,_5,_ | L:Wher-e-ver you go, what-e-ver you do I will be right here wai-ting for you - 0_5_ 5_4_3_2_ | - 0_2_ 2_3_4_3_ | - 1_2 3 4_ | -_ 3 2 1_7,_1_ | - 000 |0000| L:What-e-ver it takes or how my heart breaks I will be right here wai-ting for you 005,_1_2_2_|-_3.0_3_1_2_|1=6,=-_-06,_7,_| L:I took for gran-ted all the times__ 1_27,_-5,_5,_| L:That I thought would last some-how 005,_1_2_2_|-_3.4_3_1_2_|1=6,=-_-06,_7,_| L:I hear the laugh-ter, I taste the tears__ 1_27,_-1_1_| L:But I can't get near you now -01_2_3_4_|-3_1_-_2_1=6,_.| L:Oh, can't you see it, ba-by?__ 001_2_3_4_|-3_1_-_1_6,=5,_.| L:You've got me go-in' cra-zy__ 0 0_5_ 5_4_3_2_ | - 0_2_ 2_3_4_3_ | L:Wher-e-ver you go, what-e-ver you do - 1_1 2 3_ | -_ 2 1 7,_6,_5,_ | L:I will be right here wai-ting for you - 0_5_ 5_4_3_2_ | - 0_2_ 2_3_4_3_ | L:What-e-ver it takes or how my heart breaks - 1_2 3 4_ | -_ 3 2 3_7,_1_ | L:I will be right here wai-ting for you -00_5,_1_2_|34_3_-5,_6,_| L:I won-der how we can sur-vive -00_1_2_1_|-_6,=5,=-00| L:This ro-mance__ 000_5,_1_2_|34_3_-5,_6,_| L:But in the end, if I'm with you -1_1_-5_5_|----| L:I'll take the chance 0000|0000|0000|0000| 0000|0000|0000|0000|
🌎語言:繁體中文 English