歌曲 This song name test is even longer because now this website uses MongoDB. It's time to see what I can do to test the limit and break through no right no wrong no rules for me. I'm free!😄

這是歌曲「This song name test is even longer because now this website uses MongoDB. JianpuspaceisawesomeJianpuspacecanhelpyousearchsongswithoutknowingthenameofthesongAnditprovidesyouthenumberednotationWhichiseasytoread」於 1663686195396 時的歷史版本

歌手:This singer name test is even longer because now I use MongoDB. Let it go, let it go. I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go, let it go.



02_2_-_55_|-_22_-_56_|-5_6_-_56_|-_71'_-_2'5_| -2_2_-_55_|-2_5_-_2_6|-- -_7.|1'---|--0_6_7_1'_| --0_5_5_2'_|--0_1'_7_6_|-_6_6_6_-_71'_|-_2'_1' -_6_7_1'_| --0_5_3'_3'_|-2'-
🌎語言:繁體中文 English