歌曲 Six Little Ducks

這是歌曲「Six Little Ducks」的最新版本 (1671808528515)




35,_5,_5,3|322-| L:Six lit-tle ducks that I once knew 25,2_2_5,|2113_3_| L:Fat ones, skin-ny ones, fair ones, too 35,_5,_5,3_3_|3_2_2_2_2-| L:But the one lit-tle duck with the fea-ther on his back 55_5_5_6_5_4_|311-| L:He led the o-thers with a quack, quack, quack 25,5,-|311-| L:Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack 55_5_5_6_5_4_|311-| L:He led the o-thers with a quack, quack, quack.
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