歌曲 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

這是歌曲「Santa Claus Is Coming To Town」於 1671960175837 時的歷史版本

歌手:詞曲:John Frederick Coots、Haven Gillespie



5|3_4_55.5_| L:You bet-ter watch out, 6_7_1'1'.1'_| L:you bet-ter not cry, 3_4_555| L:you bet-ter not pout, 6_5_44-| L:I'm tell-ing you why. 3513|24-7,|1---| L:San-ta Claus is com-ing to town, 0005|3_4_55.5_|6_7_1'1'-| L:He's ma-king a list and check-ing it twice, 3_4_555|6_5_44-| L:gon-na find out who's naugh-ty and nice. 3513|24-7,|1---| L:San-ta Claus is com-ing to town. 0001'|2'1'71'|66-1'| L:He sees you when you're sleep-ing. 2'1'71'|6--2'| L:He knows when you're a-wake. 3'2'#1'2'|7777_1'_| L:He knows when you're been bad or good. 2'1'76|5-5.5_| L:So be good for good-ness sake.
🌎語言:繁體中文 English