Song Say, Brothers

This is the current version of the song “Say, Brothers” (1717678737289)

Singer: 美國進行曲

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

5.4_3_5_1'_2'_|3'.2'_1'0| L:Say,_ bro-thers, will you meet_ us 6.7_1'_7_1'_6_|5.4_30| L:Say,_ bro-thers, will you meet_ us 5.4_3_5_1'_2'_|3'.2'_1'1'| L:Say,_ bro-thers, will you meet_ us 2'2'1'7|1'--0| L:On Ca-naan's ha-ppy shore. 5.4_3_5_1'_2'_|3'.2'_1'0| L: Glo-ry, glo-ry, ha-lle-lu--jah 6.7_1'_7_1'_6_|5.4_30| L: Glo-ry, glo-ry, ha-lle-lu--jah 5.4_3_5_1'_2'_|3'.2'_1'1'| L: Glo-ry, glo-ry, ha-lle-lu--jah 2'2'1'7|1'--0| L:For e-ver, e-ver-more!
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English