Song Yankee Doodle

This is the current version of the song “Yankee Doodle” (1717678835076)

Singer: 美國民謠

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

5_|1'_1'_2'_3'_|1'_3'_2'_5_| L:-Yan-kee Doo-dle went to town 1'_1'_2'_3'_|1'7_5_| L:A-ri-ding on a po-ny,_ 1'_1'_2'_3'_|4'_3'_2'_1'_| L:Stuck a fea-ther in his cap 7_5_6_7_|1'1'_0_| L: And called it ma-ca-ro-ni. 6_.7=6_5_|6_7_1'| L:Yan-kee Doo-dle keep it up, 5_.6=5_4_|3_4_5_0_| L:Yan-kee Doo-dle dan--dy, 6_.7=6_5_|6_7_1'_6_| L: Mind the mu-sic and the step 5_1'_7_2'_|1'1'_0_| L:And with the Girls be han-dy.
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English