Song Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

This is the historical version of the song “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” at 1671290173341.

Singer: 曲:孟德爾頌,詞:Charles Wesley

Language: 無

Numbered notation:

5,11.7,_|1332|555.4_|323-| L:Hark! The her-ald an-gels sing_ "Glo-ry to the new-born king; 5,11.7,_|1332|522.7,_|7,6,5,-| L:Peace on earth and mer-cy mild,_ God and sin-ners re-con-ciled" 5551|4332|5551|4332| L:Joy-ful all ye na-tions rise,_ Join the tri-umph of the skies_ 6665|434-|23_4_5.1_|123-| L:With th'an-ge-lic host pro-claim "Christ is_ born in Beth-le-hem" 6.6_65|434-|23_4_5.1_|121-| L:Hark! The her-ald an-gels sing "Glo-ry_ to the new-born king"
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English