Song Humpty Dumpty

This is the historical version of the song “Humpty Dumpty” at 1671032069826.

Singer: 無

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

11_33_|2_3_2_1.|33_55_|4_5_4_3.| L:Hump-ty Dump-ty sat on a wall, L:Hump-ty Dump-ty had a great fall. 6_6_6_5_5_5_|4_4_4_3.|4_4_4_3_3_3_|2_.1=2_1.| L:All the king's hor-ses and all the king's men L:Could-n't put Hump-ty to-ge-ther a-gain.
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English