Song 魯啦啦

This is the historical version of the song “魯啦啦” at 1671856157844.

Singer: 越南民謠

Language: 無

Numbered notation:

33_5_11_3_|2_1_2_3_42_1_| L:嚕 啦 啦, 嚕 啦 啦, 嚕 啦 嚕 啦 哩, 7,5,7,5,|1_7,_1_2_3-| L:嚕 啦 嚕 啦 嚕 啦 嚕 啦 嚕 啦 哩。 33_5_11_3_|2_1_2_3_42_1_| L:嚕 啦 啦, 嚕 啦 啦, 嚕 啦 嚕 啦 哩, 7,657,|1---| L:嚕 啦 嚕 啦 嚕 啦 哩。
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English