Song Yesterday Once More

This is the historical version of the song “Yesterday Once More” at 1687877141668.

Singer: Carpenters

Language: 英文

Numbered notation:

0_1_1_2_|355_3_5_3_| L:When I was young 6_53_-3_5_| L:I'd lis-ten to the ra-di-o 673_56_|--03_5_| L:Wai-ting for my favo-rite songs 63'2'_1'7_|-.3_3_53_| L:When they played I'd sing a-long 2---|000_1_1_2_| L:It made me smile._ 3_3_5_5_-_3_5_3_| L:Those were such hap-py_ times 6_53_-3_5_| L:And not so long a-go 673_56_| L:How I won-dered where they'd gone --72'|1'_76_-_7_1'_7_| L:But they're back a-gain 1'_76_-6_7_| L:Just like a long lost friend 1'1'6_1'2'_|--1'2'| L:All the songs I loved so well. 3'_3'_3'_3'_-2'_1'_| L:Ev-ery Sha-la-la-la 7_1'_7_6_-3_5_| L:Ev-ery Wo-o-wo-o ----|0001'_2'_| L:Still shines 3'_3'_3'_3'_3'2'_1'_| L:E-very shing-a-ling-a-ling 7_1'_7_6_-3_5_| L:That they're star-tin' to sing's ----|0006_7_| L:So fine. 1'_7_1'_2'_-1'_7_| L:When they get to the part 1'_7_1'_2'_-1'_2'_| L:Where he's brea-kin' her heart 3'3'2'_1'5_|633_6_3_5_| L:It can real-ly make me cry_ ----| L:Just like be--fore 0.3_3_2=1=-_2_|3--4_2_|---0| L:It's yes-ter-day once more.__ 0000|0001_2_|
🌎Language: 繁體中文 English